The unemployment rate is over 10% now and that is without adding the people who stopped looking for jobs. You want to know why the unemployment rate keeps increasing, because companies are downsizing to make a profit. That's why the stockmarket is over 10,000 again. I'm still laid off and when my company starts back up next year they are permanetly eliminating 500 jobs. And that's just the beginnning.
Well, you have to blame those who "deregulated" these companies in the last administration.
Believe me, I'm with you 100% on those companies that ship our jobs overseas. The former administration was really Anti-Union. Since Unions didn't support them, they sided with their big corporate buddies. That's what began the slide we're in today and the tremendous job losses.
But imagine how much worse it would've been without
The Stimulous Package?
General Motors is not only hiring laid off workers back,
but their opening new plants.
The Banks that were saved and which are now paying back the money we gave them to help them out are also hiring more people.
Not only that, the government is making a profit from the Stimulous money we've lent out (interest).
Last year, we were losing jobs at twice the rate of this year.
That means that the Obama Administration has severely cut the
job loss rate in half. Not bad.
Now that GDP is up over 3% for this past quarter and expected to go even higher for the next quarter (because of Christmas), that's going to start off 2010 off on a high note and leave 2009 on a positive note.
What The President is doing is working.
He's stablilized The Economy, he's stopped The Recession and now, he is reversing The Recession and has put our Economy back on track to success.
And not one Republican contributed 1 vote to The Stimulus Plan so they won't be able to claim any credit when America turns her situation around.
Not all of the jobs are coming back, but that can't be blamed on The Government.
It's not The Government's responsibility to create or preserve jobs.
That's up to the Free Market.
What The Government did in the last administration is what's causing the jobs losses today.
I feel so sorry for those people who lost their jobs, but not for those who voted for The Administration that caused them to lose their jobs.