Cepha to be straight with you, most of the people on welfare down here are lazy white/black/hispanics with lots of children, do in deed sell drugs.
I don't doubt it, but then you need to say that "Texan Welfare Recipients" are the lazy ones...not "most".
Welfare for the poor only comes out to about $50 Million.
Do you know how much we give to Corporations who actually make money and profits?
Try close to a Trillion Dollars a year!
Why aren't you upset about that?
Then they squander the money and we have to go bail them out (as we just did). Why do you focus more on the people on welfare instead of the big corporations that contribute to the need for welfare in the first place?
Let's face it, there's always going to be a percentage of the general population that's just going to be plain lazy. That can't be helped and their children who are innocents shouldn't go hungry in a country who's leading contributor to our health problems is what? Overindulgence (over eating!). So come on CC, allow the poor the scraps we can give them.
If we can spend 10 BILLION DOLLARS a month (that's every month!), we can spend $50 Million measely dollars a year on the poor here.
Honestly, you Republicans are so twisted and contrary to Christ. You believe in funding unjust war and filthy rich corporations, but throw a mentally disabled person (because laziness in my opinion is a mental disability) a bone.
Have you ever heard of "Corporate Welfare"?
Why are Republicans so ready to give tax breaks to big corporatioins that ship our jobs overseas leaving Americans unemployed and forcing many to have to go on public assistance, yet when it comes time to help those that the big corporations abandoned after they used Americans to build themselves up, it's such a hard pill to swallow for them?
I don't understand that question.
Obama isn't Pro-Life, he's staunchly Pro-Choice.
But, he's also not Pro-Abortion.
And, he's promised to increase funding to prevent unwanted pregnancies (something McCain wants to decrease).
I know that Republicans are all for retracting social programs that serve the poor and less fortunate of our country, but they are our fellow Americans and need our help too.
Besides, whenever you do that, crime goes up, abortion goes up and the need for welfare goes up.
It's better for us to teach the poor how to fish than to just give them a fish.